German proofreading, editing, adaptation, and copy writing
As an expert on this subject, I admit that German is a tricky language, even for native speakers. No matter what kind of text you are going to publish, please do not hesitate to seek advice from professionals in this field.
Proofreading/final editing: I will correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Copy editing: This is all about comprehensibility and reading pleasure. Is the wording adequate? Do some sentences need to be simplified? I will perfect the style and the structure of the copy. And if you want me to, I will have a look at the content. Maybe some information should be changed for the German audience.
Translation editing: I will compare the English original and its German translation for semantic errors.
Adaptation: Do you want an advertising slogan to be adapted from English or French into German? While rewriting your slogan, I will make sure it hits the mark.
Copy writing: Promotion brochure, newsletter, booklet, flyer, mailing, advertising slogan, or web content: I will find the words to reach your audience.
Political communication: Nongovernmental organisations, public administrations, and PR agencies in particular appreciate my experience in creating content related to political campaigns and informative literature.